Software development and deployment have become an integral part of business operations. As users and clients demand quick product delivery, companies implement DevOps to optimize the product development process. However, it does not include continuous testing and improvement necessary for maintenance. But with an Agile framework, teams can work on constant product development. As you can see, both methodologies play key roles in the software development lifecycle. Hence, businesses can leverage Agile and DevOps for successful product development and focused delivery. 

What is Agile DevOps?

DevOps and Agile are software development practices used for product development, launch, or release. DevOps means the collaboration between the software development team and IT operatives, teams that traditionally used to work separately.  On the other hand, Agile means continuously aligning the product with customer requirements and trends — even if the change happens at the later stages of the development process. While doing so, this method promotes teamwork and accountability. So, Agile DevOps means implementing both methods together to provide value to the customer faster. This combined approach ensures quick product delivery, gaining expected benefits, and adapting to daily changes. The concept of Agile DevOps is not restricted to software development workspaces anymore. Now, you can see its implementation in other departments as well, including operations, marketing, HR, management, and sales. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of an organization’s leadership and works culture to leverage Agile DevOps for maximum benefits.

How Do Agile and DevOps Correlate

Although DevOps and Agile are two different methodologies, they go hand in hand in improving the product development process and company culture. Due to their interrelation, you will see the use of Agile and DevOps together. Teams that want to develop quality products in a hassle-free way use these methods as the building blocks. While Agile can function as the foundation of DevOps, DevOps can back up product development. In fact, DevOps and Agile have some common goals so that they can coexist in different stages of your technology or practices. Virtualization technology is an example of the coexistence of Agile and DevOps. Here, the IT environment follows the DevOps approach, while the Agile approach enables it to scale up and grow.

DevOps and Agile: Similarities

Rely on Testing and Automation 

Both methods aim to achieve stability. For that, they operate in a quality-assessed environment that is also fast and secure. Integration of regular testing is how they accomplish this. Moreover, Agile and DevOps rely on automation for flexibility and security during the execution process. 

Inspired by Lean Philosophies

Lean philosophy inspired these methodologies by helping them standardize their communication process. This philosophy is also the reason team members can work in a healthy environment.

Focus on Business Productivity

Maximum productivity is the common goal of both these methods, as DevOps and Agile have similar business-inclined approaches. With Agile, development teams can concentrate on a single target that helps them become more productive. Contrarily, DevOps culture facilitates quicker delivery.

Promote Collaboration

Both DevOps and Agile contribute to building a collaborative workplace. Teams that use these methodologies are always in the loop, can detect issues quickly, and are capable of troubleshooting problems easily. As team members interact with each other, they become more productive and efficient.

Agile and DevOps: Differences


With Agile methodology, you will see the integration of different frameworks like Kanban, SAFe, and Scrum for collaboration in a project. As for DevOps, the focus is still on the collaboration of the project. But, instead of frameworks, it uses tools like Git, Jenkins, Ansible, puppet, etc.


The objective of the Agile method is to manage complicated projects effortlessly and conveniently. To do that, it focuses on collaboration, feedback, and quick small releases.  Meanwhile, DevOps methodology aims at consistent delivery. It even works in a different context where it has to manage software development and operation processes easily. 

Working Processes

The Agile methodology is used to develop new software at a specific duration. The developers following the approach focus on updating and developing an app.  On the flip side, DevOps covers the maximum business operations starting with the update. 


Development teams working on the Agile methodology should have in-depth knowledge of the T-shaped skillset.  Meanwhile, the DevOps methodology users should have the skills needed for the development and operation team. 


The target area of Agile methodology is software development. However, DevOps methodology works on fast delivery for end-to-end businesses. 


The Agile methodology relies on external feedback, mostly from their valuable customers and clients. Based on the valuable feedback, the testing team fixes bugs and makes necessary changes to the app.  Contrarily, the DevOps methodology runs on internal feedback. The testing team regularly checks the app for issues and bugs so that they can fix them immediately.

How Integrating DevOps and Agile Help Your Business

Companies that can properly implement DevOps and Agile together will see greater performance. The growth will be noticeable in the revenue as well. Followings are the benefits your business can get from the integration of these approaches:

Simplification of product releases and involved processes Improved product offerings to the customers and clients Maximum collaboration among teammates and different teams Higher customer satisfaction rates for quality products Products of higher quality according to the user demand Less number bugs and quick fixes to these Value addition to every product release Continuous integration/delivery pipeline

Things to Consider While Integrating DevOps and Agile

#1. Product Lifecycle

The software lifecycle plays a crucial role in the successful implementation of DevOps with an Agile framework. When implemented at the start of the lifecycle, DevOps principles will increase consistency and reduce costs. Also, product delivery will be faster, and there will be fewer errors.

#2. Seamless Workflow

For teams that want to achieve the maximum DevOps business value and practical approach of Agile, the members should have an in-depth understanding of all related aspects. Also, all the project stakeholders must contribute to the development process as well as delivery and maintenance. 

#3. Quality Assurance

To lower the chance of having bugs, teams should perform regular quality checks at every stage. When one should test the Agile framework for its functionality, the checking of the DevOps approach should be done for software performance and load testing.

#4. Documentation🗎

The aim of simultaneous implementation is to bring the best of both methodologies. Hence, teams need to adopt the documentation for the whole development process until product release. Though this feature is from DevOps, this will be highly beneficial in the future.

#5. Analysis and KPIs

To understand the actual performance and progress of the teams, companies should have a fixed set of parameters for analysis. Using the following performance metrics, you can measure the performance accurately:

Total time taken from production to release Support requirements for any platform Percentage increase in release numbers Release date adherence percentage Percentage of non-functional requirements met

#6. Automation

Companies need to consider automation during Agile and DevOps implementation to reduce the scope of errors. It will not only simplify the release cycles but also improve team productivity with the chance of fewer errors. 

Benefits of Using DevOps and Agile Together

#1. Concentrate on the User’s Needs

Agile development focuses on user requirements to enhance product value. It captures the demand in the market through increased communication with customers and their representatives. Moreover, DevOps keeps combining the build and test system that helps the developmental and operational teams to keep the customers’ needs in mind. Thus, you can expect fewer last-minute glitches and release-time issues.

#2. Boosted Productivity

Any typical IT setting involves delays due to task dependencies and repetitive manual tasks. Time wasted in these processes often causes frustration and dissatisfaction among the employees. Automation and standardization of production environments with these methods allow teams to make deployments predictable and free them from repetitive tasks. As people can focus on doing more high-value tasks, they feel motivated, become more productive, and accomplish more milestones. 

#3. Create Continuous Value

With Agile, companies can deliver and tweak products on a regular basis, depending on the user’s response. Testing of updates on different environments reduces the number of outbound releases. DevOps also contributes to this by creating product maps and pipelines. It also enables the setting up of necessary checks, tests, and automated integrations for every new build. Speedy deployment and automated updates are other features of this approach that help the teams to do more.

#4. Improved Testing and Analysis📈

Besides being an essential part of the development lifecycle, Quality analysis (QA) is also important during the combined integration of Agile and DevOps. Together, these techniques enable better testing.  While Agile ensures functional testing, DevOps must test a software application for performance and high quality. Hence, you will see an improvement in the quality of the products in every phase. 

#5. Better Collaboration

When Agile and DevOps are integrated into a workplace, teams start working together to benefit the end users. Whether it is the business analyst, developer, tester, or operations manager, everyone gets involved in discussing the required resources, system perspective, necessary environments, task dependencies, and more.

Author’s Note on DevOps and Agile Integration

Combining DevOps and Agile helps companies to develop better software and reach end users quickly. DevOps and Agile complement each other in terms of continuous value, testing, and analysis, user needs, boosted productivity, and better collaboration. As the success stories of the integration of both methodologies together will come out, more teams will be interested in implementing them.   


Now that you know the benefits of integrating Agile and DevOps together in a business, you can make an informed decision. Also, check out the things you need to consider during the implementation. Besides software development, other teams can also benefit from this correlated integration. You can even automate DevOps for your organization and implement dual track Agile.

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